Monday, August 11, 2008

Do you Squidoo?

Squidoo is a site that allows you to build a webpage, called a lens, for free. Squidoo is one of the hallmarks of free marketing. Google loves Squidoo, so if you create a lens and link back to your site you help your Google ranking, not to mention the potential customers that might follow that link.

There is a lot of competition to get a high rank for your lens. Make sure that you put some good content on you lens, fill out all sections completely and make it look attractive.

Here is the lens I just created. Click here. The red crown is the first image on my Squidoo lens.

Here's to your business,
Shelley Ewing Brownfield

Get free sites to advertise your business and a copy of Free Traffic for Broke Marketers from Proverbs 31 List! Click here

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