Friday, August 15, 2008

Clear Website Message

Your website is not designed for you. It is designed for your customers. It is not a place to put all your favorite pictures and certainly not your music choices. The point of your website has to be clear to the internet surfer within about 4 seconds. Surfers are not patient people. With so many other choices out there, they will just pass you by without a second glance.

Your web design needs to be clear and easy to navigate. Your message should be unmistakable. You look needs to be professional. Do not use music, ugly images, or moving images.

If you don't have a website (or you are using a company replicated site,) I highly recommend that you have a website of your own. Google does not like replicated sites. By simply having your own webpage with original content you will gain an advantage over those that don't take the time to create one.

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